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Our Story...

Your ARM/MRA C.25 Core Group Executive

What is ARM/MRA?

In 1996, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) established a new type of membership specifically for Active Retired Members (ARM)/Membres Retraités Actifs (MRA). For a $50 annual fee, ARM/MRA allows retired members to remain actively involved politically and socially with their colleagues. The fee is charged by OSSTF/FEESO each January. If you join ARM/MRA mid-year, the fee is waived until the following January.


Each chapter is required to have an Executive of at least four members consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer and one other person.

Chapter 25 has opted to have a Core Group Executive. What this means is that we have a voluntary executive.  We are fortunate to have a large group of people who have agreed to meet roughly five times a year to decide on how the chapter should proceed.

In 2024-2025, the following people have agreed to give up their time to help make sure that the chapter continues to serve its members:

  • Cathy Bailey

  • Bruce Baker

  • Cheryl Cavell

  • Terry Gamble

  • Bill Heise

  • Judy Miller

  • Clare O’Connell Noon

  • Les Robinson

  • Norma Sharkey

  • Terry Taller

  • Dina van den Hanenberg

During Chapter 25’s third year, the District Presidents of District 27 (Limestone), District 28 (Renfrew) and  District 26 (Upper Canada) felt that, given the geographic arrangements of their districts, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to create a formal ARM/MRA Chapter in each of their districts. They agreed that, to ensure that their ARM/MRA members gain a local tangible benefit of membership in ARM/MRA, that their districts be linked with the ARM/MRA members in District 25 to form Chapter 25 (Limestone/Ottawa-Carleton/Renfrew/Upper Canada).


Serving on the Core Group from Upper Canada are Dina and Norma. Bruce Baker represents Limestone. We are also fortunate that our Core Group consists of representatives from both the former Carleton Board of Education and the former Ottawa Board of Education.

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