Protecting and Enhancing Public Education
Enjoy the Best Years of Your Life
ARM/MRA-Benefits (RTIP/Edvantage/EFG)
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The OMERS defined benefit pension plan is designed to provide a reliable stream of income in retirement.
An OMERS pension can be one of our members' most valuable assets. When our members retire, they receive regular pension payments that continue for the rest of their lives.
The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Ontario Teachers') serves a total of active and retired membership of over 310,000.
OSSTF/FEESO represents the interests of approximately 40,000 contributors to the OTPP through the member plan sponsor, the Ontario Teachers’ Federation.
Health, dental and travel insurance for retirees
Retired Teachers Insurance Plan (RTIP) offers the most flexible health, dental and travel insurance available to the retired education community. Simply choose the plan that best meets your needs.
We are excited to launch our new RTIP plan member secure site. You will need to register for the new site even if you are registered for the current site. You can register as soon as you receive your new OTIP ID. Learn how to register for your new account with these step-by-step registration instructions.
Voluntary Membership may be granted by the Provincial Executive to a person who is certificated as a secondary school teacher in the Province of Ontario, and/or who is employed in an educational capacity or former members of OSSTF/FEESO who have been placed on long term disability and whose contract with an employer has been terminated. Individuals must apply through their district executive to be a Voluntary Member.
Edvantage offers great rewards and discounts to Edvantage members and their families through partnerships with retailers and businesses. OTIP administers Edvantage on behalf of your group/association. With our exclusive partners, Edvantage offers great discounts, special offers and contests from the brands you love to you, our valued members.
There’s advice. And then there’s educator-specific advice.
Our financial specialists work exclusively with members of the education community and as such, understand the complexity of educators’ financial realities. These realities are different. Our financial specialists work closely with you providing customized financial planning advice that gives you confidence that you will achieve your dreams and aspirations by focusing on things like protecting you against educator-specific pitfalls such as cash flow concerns, potential pension income gaps, gratuities, etc.
Educators helped Judy and me realize our retirement dreams of spending winters on our sailboat in the Bahamas.
Jim Matthieu
TBU, District 3